SONNENSTROMFABRIK CEO Dr. Bernhard Weilharter leaves the company

After eight years at the helm of the SONNENSTROMFABRIK / CS Wismar GmbH (SONNENSTROMFABRIK), Dr. Bernhard Weilharter will leave the company on June 30, 2023, to take on a new challenge outside the CENTROTEC Group.
Dr. Weilharter played a key role in the successful establishment of the SONNENSTROMFABRIK as part of the industrial division of the CENTROTEC Group. The foundation was laid at the former Centrosolar plant in Wismar. Since December 2015, he has been responsible as CEO for strategy, sales, and controlling of the company. Together with Rüdiger Drewes, Managing Director for strategy, product development, and production, they steered SONNENSTROMFABRIK back into profitability within one year. Today, the SONNENSTROMFABRIK is one of the most advanced and leading manufacturers of photovoltaic modules in Europe.
The SONNENSTROMFABRIK is one of the few manufacturers that produce in Germany. The company now offers a wide range of glass/film modules and has the most extensive portfolio of glass/glass modules in the industry, consistently focusing on quality, design, and performance. Production is carried out both under its own brand name and on behalf of other photovoltaic manufacturers. Special modules, off-grid modules, and roof-integrated modules complete the SONNENSTROMFABRIK's portfolio. As the first company in the industry, the SONNENSTROMFABRIK has consistently redefined sustainability and optimized and certified production processes to minimize CO2 emissions.
Rüdiger Drewes: "We would like to sincerely thank Dr. Weilharter for his work, his dedicated commitment, and the success achieved during all these years, and we wish him great success in his future endeavors."
Alexander Tesch (46) will assume the position of Dr. Bernhard Weilharter on August 1, 2023. Rüdiger Drewes will continue to complement the management team of the SONNENSTROMFABRIK as Managing Director. Tesch brings extensive experience in sales of technically demanding products and business development in various industries. One focus lies in the area of system competence and promotion of sustainable technologies.
Bernd Pawlik: "With Mr. Tesch, we have gained a generalist with a strong focus on customer benefits, innovations, and service, who understands himself as a true team player. We are delighted to be able to fill the position with competence and wish Mr. Tesch every success in his new role!"
necom Werbeagentur GmbH
Jürgen Preiss
Lindenallee 43
50968 Köln (Germany)
Tel.: +49 (0)178 50 30 414
Over Sonnenstromfabrik
SONNENSTROMFABRIK (CS Wismar GmbH) is een van de modernste en kwalitatief meest toonaangevende fabrikanten van fotovoltaïsche modules in Europa. De fabriek in Wismar in Noord-Duitsland heeft zich blijvend gevestigd als kwaliteitsleider. Tegenwoordig heeft SONNENSTROMFABRIK het meest uitgebreide portfolio van glas/glasmodules in de industrie en produceert het zowel onder zijn eigen merknaam als ook modules in opdracht van andere zonnepaneelfabrikanten. De oorsprong van de productiefaciliteit in Wismar gaat al ca. 25 jaar terug. Ook bij glas/folie modules richt SONNENSTROMFABRIK zich consequent op kwaliteit, design en prestaties. Speciale modules, off-grid modules en in-dak modules maken de portfolio van SONNENSTROMFABRIK compleet. SONNENSTROMFABRIK was het eerste bedrijf in de industrie dat het onderwerp duurzaamheid consequent herdefinieerde en productieprocessen optimaliseerde en certificeerde voor minimale CO2-uitstoot. In vergelijking met conventionele zonnepanelen onderscheiden de producten van SONNENSTROMFABRIK zich onder andere door een veel langere levensduur en een hoog rendement. Als onderdeel van de Global PV InstallerMonitor van EuPD Research werd Sonnenstromfabrik (CS Wismar GmbH) bekroond met "Top Brand PV Germany 2021" en "Top Brand PV Austria 2021" in de modulecategorie.